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Answers at your fingertips

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What is ABLE to Work?
The ABLE to Work Act, effective January 1, 2018, revised the Internal Revenue Code applicable to ABLE accounts to permit eligible employed beneficiaries to save more in their ABLE accounts. Over and above the standard Annual Contribution Limit ($19,000 for 2025), a working beneficiary is allowed to... Read more
How do I make a gift contribution?
It's easy to make contributions to someone else's Hawai’i ABLE account. You can make online gift contributions for as little as $5 to as much as $19,000 through a beneficiary’s personal gifting page. Simply ask the recipient to send you their unique gifting URL. Or, you can make offline... Read more
Are there any fees associated with gifting to a Hawai’i ABLE account?

There is no fee for bank account (ACH) gift contributions and for contributions made via personal check using our offline Gift Contribution Form (PDF).

How can I request gift contributions to my account?
Requesting gift contributions from family and friends is a great way to help you reach your savings goals and it couldn’t be easier. Just sign into your account to find your gifting page information and share your unique gifting URL. You’ll be able to customize your page and select where you would... Read more
What happens if the beneficiary is no longer eligible for an account?
If a beneficiary no longer meets eligibility requirements, they no longer qualify to get an ABLE account and they (or their account manager) should sign into the account’s settings and update their eligibility. Their account will remain open and they can continue to use the account until the end of... Read more
Can I open a new Hawai’i ABLE Savings Program account if my previous ABLE for ALL Savings Plan was closed?

Yes, log in to your closed account using your email and password, then find the “Create new account” link to get started.

Who can open an ABLE account for an eligible beneficiary?
An adult beneficiary with a qualifying disability can open and manage an ABLE account. If a beneficiary is under the age of 18 or unable to open an account on their own, they must have an Authorized Legal Representative (also known as an ALR) do it for them. An ALR must be anyone who is selected by... Read more
Can I use ABLE funds to pay for a vacation?

Yes, a vacation does qualify as an eligible expense as long as it can help maintain or improve the health, independence, or quality of life of the person living with a disability.

Can money in an ABLE account be recovered in a bankruptcy?

No. The Hawai’i ABLE Savings Program is protected from bankruptcy.

Can I make direct deposits into an ABLE account?
Users can contribute to their accounts using fast, secure direct deposits from either the Social Security Administration or their paycheck. Complete the setup process in three simple steps: Log in to your ABLE account and click on “Direct Deposit” on the Total Balance tile. Or, once logged in, go... Read more