ABLE information
Each month, we host educational webinars to help account owners and ALRs better understand how the program works.
Learn more about the ABLE program and how it serves individuals with disabilities. Click on a link below to watch a video in a new computer browser.
ABLE Accounts Explained in American Sign Language
ABLE accounts are a powerful tool for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to save money for future expenses without affecting their eligibility for government benefits. In this video, we will break down everything you need to know about ABLE accounts, including how to open one, how to manage and budget funds, and the tax advantages they offer.
ABLE Accounts Explained in American Sign Language and Spanish
Las cuentas ABLE, explicado en lenguaje de señas americano (ASL). Las cuentas ABLE son una herramienta poderosa para las personas con discapacidades, que les permite ahorrar dinero para los gastos futuros sin afectar su elegibilidad para los beneficios del gobierno. En este video, desglosaremos todo lo que usted necesita saber sobre las cuentas ABLE, incluido cómo abrir una, cómo administrar y presupuestar los fondos, y las ventajas fiscales que estas ofrecen.
Hawai‘i ABLE Savings Program
The Hawai'i ABLE Savings Program provides people with disabilities with the tools they need to achieve financial empowerment and prepare for a more independent and secure future.
For too long, people with disabilities couldn’t save for the future out of fear of losing government benefits. The Hawai‘i ABLE Savings Program is a way to save for qualified expenses, invest for the future and keep the benefits you rely on every day.
ABLE empowers teen to save for dreams
Ashlynn Rutherford has an amazing outlook on life. Ashlynn and her mom, Alisha, talk about her ABLE account and how it will help them achieve her goals.
ABLE for ALL helps people with disabilities throughout the US save money without losing their government benefits. Learn more at www.ableforall.com.